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Spatial WA is a whole of government, digital initiative that will leverage the State’s data in one platform and provide the tools for Government to better plan, design, test and collaborate using a highly accurate virtual environment.

Digital Twin technology

A Spatial Digital Twin is a digital representation of a real-world location in 4D (3D plus time). It combines maps, imagery and other data to create a virtual model with inbuilt tools for analysis, collaboration, scenario planning and predictive modelling.

The technology is already being used across the globe and it’s estimated that over 500 cities worldwide will have deployed digital twins by next year.

Digital Twin image

Next Generation Spatial Cadastre

Western Australia’s cadastre is a public register of land boundaries and ownership within the State. It provides the base for searching, planning and analysing land-related information.

Landgate’s current cadastre is only visualised as 2D, the Next Generation Spatial Cadastre will provide the tools to store and visualise the State’s cadastre in 3D/4D. 

Next generation image